Therefore when you have installed the game with this mod, don't install this patch. The purpose of this patch is clear: in addition to repairing several graphical bugs, it also makes it impossible to activate the Hot Coffee mod. GTA SA’s creators – RockStar – recently published a patch called “ No More Coffee”. But in spite of the prohibition, some players will get the game in countries like Australia (absolute ban). Therefore the ESRB organization changed its mind about the game’s rating, and changed the rating from M (older than 17 years) to AO (Adult Only - older 21 years in America) this forced many shops to withdraw down the game from sale, because games with this rating aren’t bought by many people. Many businesses and organizations went against game creators. As a result, this part of the game is burned in the minds of lots and lots of people all over the world, regardless of if they’re trying to generate self-publicity (Clinton etc.), or they don't have anything else to do. So if you picked up some girlfriend, she will invite you to her house after some time, there you'll see different things that you can do with her. The code is latent, and it will start after Hot Coffee application. Might be some bug fixes, but nothing else. There might be a bug fix or two, but aside from that I dont think theres much, if any, difference. I can hear outside noise (such as cars driving and people yelli.

sacensor says game is uncensored but after completing the date I get black screen. I have tried both versions 1 and 2.1 and tried using the sacensor.exe. And what is the Hot Coffee? It is a mod, which activates a piece of hidden code in the game. So far as I know, the only real difference from the original release of SA and the Greatest Hits version would be the fact that Hot Coffee was removed along the way. I have a problem with the hot coffee mod.