Remove banner ads and expand your Bible reading experience using our valuable library of more than 50 top resources by becoming a member of Bible Gateway Plus. Focuses on fourteen narrative books that tell the story of Scripture from beginning to end. Thousands already have! Try your free trial today! Divides the Bible into twelve time periods that act like chapters in salvation history. In trying to keep all of these people and messages clear in my mind, I have put together a list of all the kings and prophets during the period of the divided kingdom (roughly 931-586 BC). The photos below are showing a 14 timeline. Click HERE.) The Gospel Timeline with John 3:16 (Unless modified this will print at 300dpi, 8 feet long. Some of these prophets only have their words recorded in Kings or Chronicles, while others have their words recorded elsewhere in the Bible (usually the book name is the prophet’s name). The Gospel Timeline (300dpi timeline, no extra text, 7.74 feet.) (Print this timeline at home without the extra text by printing it in sections. In the midst of these kingdoms, several prophets are sent by God. What makes it challenging when reading straight through the Bible is that the history is covered in 1 and 2 Kings and then again in 1 and 2 Chronicles. One challenging point in history is the divided kingdoms of Israel (the 10 northern tribes) and Judah (the 2 southern tribes).

Based on statistics, these will help you understand so many things that weren’t clear after reading the Bible.

Owens ( created the helpful chart below delineating the Old Testament prophets and kings of Israel and Judah and has now updated it: Amazing Bible Facts And Statistics - compiled from various sites and sources Read all the facts from our Bible history timeline poster.